Get In Line For These SuperNova South Speakers
As the President of Pinewood Atlanta Studios, Frank Patterson is a fearless leader helping to pioneer Atlanta’s film boom. Gather his insights by joining his fireside chat, “New Media Chat: Why Georgia is Poised to Lead the Next Wave of Hollywood Innovation.”
For the past four years, Jeff Hilimire has led the company he co-founded – Dragon Army: a once-small startup turned sought-after mobile and innovation company. Before Dragon Army, Jeff founded and sold both Spunlogic and Engauge. Discover his industry secrets at his lecture, “Lessons Learned From 20 Years as an Entrepreneur.”
Futurus CEO Annie Eaton is preparing the world for a new era of business. From VR to AR to MR, Annie knows firsthand how technology is changing our reality. To learn about these growing tech spaces, hear Annie’s SuperNova South talk: New Realities – AR, VR & MR.
To find out when and where you can catch these speakers and more, check out our online schedule.